Saturday, 9 October 2010

Tudor billmen with livery banner

After a few busy weeks I have managed to settle down to finish another stand of bill with a livery banner from the sheets of flags I recently put together. I'm quite pleased with it as it works particularly well with the livery coats that some of the soldiers are wearing.

Just for a treat here's the stand alongside the rest of the infantry I have painted so far. I'm slowly getting quite a decent host to worry many a frenchman!

This particular banner is fairly simple but effective I think, it is taken from a painting of Henry VIII's embarkation from Dover.

I'm currently working on some cavalry; another commander from the 1513 campaign, more on this soon.

On that subject, I received a very exciting email today from Eureka miniatures advising that their 100 club light cavalry / archers are almost ready. I've ordered 15 which is around £100 worth after import VAT and a clearance fee are taken into account but well worth it and great news for my Tudor army list; i'll use them as English demi-lancers.



  1. Stuart
    Very impressive painting (again) Thats a great looking host you have there.
    theres a grainy pic of the Eurkea cavalry here (if you've not seen) look very promising and spot-on for your 1513 army.

  2. These look magnificent. I love the shading on the flag.

  3. Great looking units. The armour looks especially effective.

  4. Wonderful! I just can decide if I want to go with emulating your armies or do the Italian part of the war......

