Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Landsknecht Command


This unit has been a little delayed, I meant to complete this command when I revived my Landsknechts last year, more of that here.

However, in the intervening period I've had time to think on the matter and Landsknechts have certainly never been far from my mind. In particular I wanted the standards to come together and represent those typically seen in early images of Maximilian's landsknechts, particularly those of Albrecht Altdorfer in which three flags are repeatedly shown together, a simple cross of Burgundy on a yellow ground, the arms of Austria and Burgundy ancient.

Maximilian's duchies of Austria and Burgundy feature in the centre of his arms.

and.......spot the mistake I made, In depicting the blue and yellow stripes as horizontal rather than diagonal I created the standard of the Fugger family, which is a happy mistake as they financed a lot of Maximilian's wars. I will no doubt correct this in some way one day, the best manner will be to create a new unit of course so watch this space. Progress not perfection is the mantra.

What have I learned in a year since visiting Landsknechts? i'd say i've really got to grips with using Citadel contrast paints as part of the process by blending washes with them. The results are really vibrant colours. I don't like to use them as intended but to mix them with existing wash formulas and highlight / blend on top. It's a slower process but the results really make these figures pop. Here they are prior to basing.

Using the Red as an example here are the stages for the red bits;

  1. Black undercoat
  2. Foundry British Redcoat Shade 
  3. Citadel contrast Blood Angels Red as a wash
  4. Foundry British Redcoat Shade, Mid & Highlight.
  5. Foundry Orange mid as a final highlight
A similar approach is used for the other primary colours, experiment with it and enjoy the results !

The figures are all from Wargames Foundry with the addition of flag pennons from Front Rank Figurines, now available from Gripping Beast.

Each figure is based upon a coloured woodcut, the flags are hand painted.

Here they are forming the centre company of banners with my existing imperialist pike

I have three bases of Swiss banners on the same formula to make it an interchangeable pike block, I have left room to create a stand to represent Richard de la Pole who will no doubt form the nucleus of my next Landsknecht painting project.

Figures with levelled and horizontal pikes are added to those standing, the banners are now at the centre of the 162 figure company.

As is apparent, I want to do more, I've done quite a bit of research on this subject this year (more on that soon) I have more Imperialists on the workbench now but lets see what fate decides to be the next finished project to share, there's 'currently' 5 units in various stages of completion, such a masochistic hobby at times !

Bye for now



  1. Wow! Superb work, they look absolutely cracking and the last pictures of the massed pike block is just amazing, great stuff!

  2. Impressed by the Pike block and paintjob !!!!

  3. Superb work! Landsknechts are one of those things where every time I see them I feel an urge to buy and paint some, and yours are spectacular.

  4. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. Merry Christmas

  5. Absolutely splendid Stuart…
    I reckon Contrast Colours were made for painting Landsknechts.

    All the best and a Merry Xmas… Aly

  6. Gorgeous work, Stuart! Merry Christmas!

  7. A wonderful addition to a stunning force - well done Stuart!

  8. More splendid looking landsknechts! After some years off, I'm also heading back to the 16th century, although why I decided to do an 108 figure Swiss kiel and convert every figure I do not know!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

  9. I shouldn't be surprised, after following your blog for some years, but those are astonishingly good. It amazes me that you are able to combine such attention to historical detail with the highest modelling and painting skill, and quantity. 162 figure pike block in 28mm! I though my brain was turning to mush after half that number in 15mm.

    1. Thanks very much for your praise Nathan, it's been a long old project
